Securing Funds

The top priority in securing funds was to find a way to avoid affecting the price of KSTAR as much as possible. For that reason, BeaStar did not carry out any pre-sale. And after much consideration, I came up with the following method.

(1) Using team LPs.

There is an LP of the team that I deposited while creating the Pool. As the price of KSTAR increases and TVL increases, the KLAY/KSP on the team's LP increases. The team withdraws as much LP as it needs and then uses KLAY/KSP to secure funds.

· Premise: The price of KSTAR should increase and TVL should also increase.

· Advantages: Since KSTAR is not sold, the price of KSTAR does not fall directly.

· Disadvantage: Due to the decrease in TVL, the "Difference from Current Rate" may increase when KSTAR is sold later.

(2) Using the Limit Order

When the specified swap function is enabled, it will be utilized. For example,

1,000,000 KSTAR ⇒ 1.2

1,000,000 KSTAR ⇒ 1.1

1,000,000 KSTAR ⇒ 1.0

This is how you register a reservation sale at a designated price and make the transaction if the price rises.

· Prerequisite: The specified swap feature must be released. (3Q 2022)

· Advantages: It does not affect the TVL of KSTAR Pool.

· Disadvantage: This is impossible without the release of the specified price swap function.

(3) Using the P2P deal

We will deal with more than a certain amount of transactions in the team instead of swaps in DEX.

For existing holders, the price will be traded at the market base price.

· Prerequisite: There must be more than a certain number of people who want to buy.

· Advantages: Buyers can trade "Difference from Current Rate" at 0%.

· Disadvantage: KSTAR price increase effect from DEX swap disappears.

(4) Using the swap in installments

It is a method of dividing the team volume for a certain period of time and swapping it in DEX.

This method must be implemented only for positive purposes and if there is a high probability of compensation within a certain period of time.

· Premise: You must notify telegram, twitter, medium at least a week in advance.

· Advantage: Pool Deposit Holder can secure more stake in BeaStar.

· Disadvantage: It's hard to know how far the price of KSTAR will fall.

Currently, BeaStar is going through the Proof of Concept (PoC) stage.

Therefore, we do not rush to secure funds and carry out projects on an unreasonable schedule. This is to strengthen internal stability and create solid opportunities while fully considering the overall industry trends and the direction of legislation. Of course, opportunities may come sooner than expected. By that time, you will be a BeaStar who runs faster than anyone else.

Last updated