Why BeaStar

It was only after the infrastructure of electric charging stations was established that electric vehicles became popular. In the middle of that, there was a bridge that connected the trend of hybridization and infrastructure. It will take a considerable amount of time for blockchain/virtual currency to operate in conjunction with 100% reality. BeaStar is a hybrid organization operated by BeaStar DAO and BeaStar Inc. in parallel. In the future, we will follow the fast-developing blockchain technology and utilize the existing infrastructure that is already well-equipped. Just as hybrid vehicles can run quietly and comfortably in the city center and farther out of the city center, BeaStar is a hybrid project that provides better opportunities ahead of the times while making the most of existing infrastructure. So, BeaStar's business is not limited to online. We can run our business in all fields through BeaStar Inc.

There is another charm about DeFi. Because BeaStar added Hedge to DeFi. If the price of tokens rises, you will have a chance to secure liquidity, and vice versa, if the price falls, you will have a chance to hold more shares in the stock company. This is why BeaStar offers a solution to the fundamental problem of DeFi, which had no way to make up for falling token prices like previous DeFi.

What would you do if the bubble in the cryptocurrency market collapses someday, like the dot-com bubble? Would you like to sell your cryptocurrency at the expense of enormous losses? Would you accept the short position using leverage at the risk of liquidation? Or would you like to convert it into a stock of BeaStar Inc., which is operated based on the real economy with an increased stake?

Soon, major companies will enter the cryptocurrency market. many projects may disappear forever. In an unstable cryptocurrency market where you can't predict what the future will unfold, BeaStar will be "Shelter“.

BeaStar recognizes BeaStar itself as its first project, analyze and research data on it, and will give every startup in the world a better way to a better future.

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